The <a href=''>十大网投平台信誉排行榜</a>阿尔图纳分校 pep band plays at a home men’s basketball game in February.


十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s pep band brings the vibes to home athletic events throughout the year. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it brings a certain kind of culture to the campus community.


You’re in the stands at a 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 home men’s basketball game. 你们站起来,鼓掌欢呼. 突然,你听到音乐,然后 ... 它是 ... 是佛罗里达吗? 你的脑海里浮现出歌词:“苹果屁股牛仔裤, 皮靴, 整个俱乐部都在看她 ...“是的,是的,就是它 is 弗洛·里达的热门歌曲《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》正在现场演奏. 由一支活力乐队演奏.

你甚至不知道十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 活力乐队. But they sound awesome, and now you’re singing along, caught up in the fervor.

音乐79, 或者是活力乐队, has been a registered class at the college for at least twenty years, 值一个学分, 并向任何感兴趣的学生开放.


But for those who took the class last semester, that single credit barely mattered. What did matter was learning, feeling, and playing music together. And not just any music but the stuff that’s going the vibrate off gymnasium walls, 那会让一群人兴奋的, 那将使运动员振奋起来.

这学期, 12名学生是乐队的成员, 大多数是在第二和第三学期. Many of them 有 been involved in marching and/or concert band in high school and wanted to continue playing music and engaging in similar experiences.

布莱恩·戴维森和他的中音萨克斯. 戴维森正在学习机电工程.

布莱恩·戴维森和他的中音萨克斯. 戴维森正在学习机电工程.

来源:Marissa Carney

Blane Davidson loved being in his high school’s marching band, and as soon as he found out about 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s pep band, 他知道他想成为其中的一员. “这对我来说绝对是一个好处. I come from a small high school, so I'm used to playing in a small band. I really enjoy the opportunity to keep playing in a similar environment. 我们是一个非常紧密的团体,所以这是额外的奖励.”

Maddie Gooch是一名木槌打击乐手. She wanted to do something like the Blue Band during her college career but on a smaller scale, 所以她很感激能在乐队里找到自己的位置. She says she feels like she can be herself when she’s with the other members. “我和每个人在一起都很舒服. It’s a fun group to play with, and it’s been easy to connect with them and have a good time.”

The size of the band varies each semester, but it’s typically between fifteen and twenty members. 学生们每周四晚上与Josh Hillard见面, 他是十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的兼职音乐教师, to learn and rehearse pieces ranging from the big band era to 60s, 70s, 今天. 每个成员也要自己练习.

“Music has always been my life’s passion so directing and playing with the band is just an extension of that passion,希拉德说。. “参与其中对我来说真的很有趣.”

The band plays about ten home men’s and women’s basketball and volleyball games each semester.

在我们开始之前, 我总是很紧张,因为我觉得我会把事情搞砸,Alli Snyder说, 谁吹奏音阶. “But I don’t, and then I get this feeling of exhilaration and want to keep playing. 这是一次非常有趣的经历.”

Alli Snyder在九年级时开始演奏大提琴. 她正在学习中学教育.

Alli Snyder在九年级时开始演奏大提琴. 她正在学习中学教育.

来源:Marissa Carney

利亚姆·沃尔特斯来自宾夕法尼亚州的咆哮泉. 他的高中没有活力乐队, so he wasn’t sure what to expect from joining 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s. 但他想继续他的爱好,所以他冒了一次险. He met new people, learned new music, and quickly fell in love with all of it.

“这与你在游戏中获得的任何其他体验都不同. You can be a spectator enjoying everything but being part of the group responsible for motivating the crowd and the team is something different altogether. It's more exhilarating than just being on the sidelines or in the stands.”

For Alexander Pool, joining the band helped save his musical career. “在我的一生中有很多次, 我想远离音乐,因为我觉得它是强加给我的, 而不是我自己的决定.但通过乐队,他认识了一些有趣的新朋友. He felt comfortable in the environment and found his love of music rejuvenated. “它激发了我选择演奏音乐的愿望, 还因为活力乐队, 我迷上了吉他,然后又迷上了钢琴. 有一件事导致了所有这些新的音乐途径.”

Alexander Pool plays the piston trombone for the <a href=''>十大网投平台信誉排行榜</a>阿尔图纳分校 pep band. 他正在学习数字媒体艺术和技术.

Alexander Pool plays the piston trombone for the 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 pep band. 他正在学习数字媒体艺术和技术.

来源:Marissa Carney

While being in the pep band gives members their own sense of joy and satisfaction, 他们也有自己的工作要做,而且他们很认真地对待这份工作.


“I love performing for the crowd and adding to the atmosphere of the games,伊桑·鲁斯说, 谁打鼓?. “没有什么能与现场音乐相比. 我愿意相信我们带来了额外的魅力, 那种美妙的氛围是录制音乐所无法体会到的.”

活力乐队成员的工作和才华不会被忽视. “Both the 体育运动 and Recreation Departments value how the pep band entertains, 弘扬校风, 并创造一个有趣的氛围,约翰·凯里说。, 娱乐和运动设施主任. “They give our varsity athletic teams a clear home court advantage and can be a true difference maker by motivating them.”

Coaches agree that the band plays a key role in team success and the energy they bring into the gym is contagious.


"Our volleyball teams love it when the pep band performs at our home matches. It adds to the excitement,” says Bob Kasun, head men's and women's volleyball coach. “It’s something unique to 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 because we rarely see pep bands when we go on road matches. 我们感谢他们为环境所做的一切."

戴维森说,在比赛结束后,乐队就不表演了, he’s occasionally gotten emails from athletes and staff with messages like ‘we missed you’ or ‘I hope you’ll be at the next one.他说,得到这样的认可是肯定的. “感觉很棒。. It means that we're doing our job and making a positive impact.”

Hillard says he is working to add 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 club hockey games to the band’s circuit, 无论是在阿尔图纳还是州立大学. He’d also like to see the band become a more well-known entity on campus, and current members agree.

Students would like to be included in game advertising and have more funding available for things like equipment.

与此同时,露丝享受着每一个时刻和每一个音符. “我就是喜欢这个社区. Whenever we're all together connecting and performing music, it’s so fulfilling. 这是你在其他任何地方都无法得到的.”

The <a href=''>十大网投平台信誉排行榜</a>阿尔图纳分校 pep band plays at a home men’s basketball game in February.

The 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 pep band plays at a home men’s basketball game in February.

来源:Marissa Carney